

Monday, December 20, 2021

Dear Reader, Love JD Wise



Dear Reader,

I wrote this book not to be mean or unkind in any way.  I wrote it because I care.  It appears to me that you have been totally consumed by your cell phone.  I don't understand how this happened because you are only 12.  You are always on it and you never set it down.  When you misplace it, you go into a full onset of a panic attack (with a side of hissy fit).  I miss the sound of your voice and the sweet conversation that we used to have.  It has been a long time since we had a conversation without emoji's.  You keep telling me that your cell phone is a necessity of life.  But when I ask what you've been doing on it, you tell me, "stuff".  Well, What kind of "stuff?"  You learned how to tell time in kindergarten.  You don't need to ask the phone what time it is. You are a smart and brilliant young person.  I want to have a phone, especially when you want to leave the house.  However, your phone is not necessary to clean your room; brush your teeth, do your homework, play a game; wash the dog, eat dinner, talk to mom, or even to go to the potty (There are no apps for that).  Your eyes were not designed to be focused on a screen for 9 hours every day.  They were designed so that you may see the beauty that is all around you.  All around you, not just 3 inches by 5 inches.  And those poor thumbs of yours - You move them so fast across that screen that one day they might fly right off!  What will you do then?  How will you be able to hold anything that it precious?  One more thing and then I'm done.  When you are interrupted during your phone time; or when you are asked to do something, you tend to turn into a monster.  A big, green ogre.  On the outside, you may still look like you, but the door slamming, feet stomping, and the yelling are definitely ogre characteristics.  Because I care, I wrote this book just for you.  So you can see the silly things that your phone makes you do.  If you don't want to stay an ogre, then all you have to do is to interact with real people and make nice memories together.  Your cell phone can't replace your brilliant imagination.


The Author


JD Wise is a West Virginian-born author who believes that the world can be changed for the better, by one person, one time, doing the right thing.

“Just think what would happen if we all did that,” said Wise.

Wise is happily married to the love of his life. Together, they have four wonderful children, who are the true inspiration for the book.

Nomophobia is his latest children’s book.

Visit him on Instagram and Facebook.


This is a somewhat true, mostly exaggerated story of modern-day children – children who have spent way too much time on their phones. One night the children are mysteriously turned into ogres. At first the children blame each other for their condition. When they finished blaming each other, they worked together to find a cure. They searched the house for a cure…but they could not find one. They tried to wash the ogre off…but it stayed on.

They had all but given up when sissy’s phone accidently falls into the fish tank. When the phone gets wet, a hidden message appears: YOU WERE TURNED INTO OGRES, BECAUSE ON THE PHONE YOU DID STAY! NOW, PUT IT AWAY AND GO OUT AND PLAY!

So the children rushed outside, where they returned to normal. That day the children learned a valuable lesson. OVERUSED CELL PHONES TURN CHILDREN INTO OGRES.

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