

Dear Reader, Love Tracy Huff


Dear Reader…

I'm so glad that you decided to pick up this book and that the title didn’t scare you! I wrote this book for all of the women out there that are just like me. I was the middle child in a family of five and spent my life doing what I was told and just accepting what was given to me. It wasn’t until I wanted to go to college and my parents had no clue what to do because I was the first child that wanted to go to college. I chose to join the Army to pay for my education and that was when I met my husband. I was 18 and had lived a very sheltered life. I was a virgin, had no dating experience, and was just looking to do my four years in the Army and then go to college back in Illinois.

Then, life happened…I fell in love and gave myself to this man…and got pregnant. I was so ashamed, guilty, and I felt so stupid. How could I let this happen? When I told my parents, they were disappointed and when they found out my boyfriend was black they lost it. I was 18 years old, in Germany, pregannt during Desert Storm, and my family disowned me.

When this happened I felt thrown away and abandoned. I wrote this book for all of us who have had something happen in our past, or even in our present, that has made us feel this way. I wrote this book to give you a system that you can follow to identify and know what makes you amazing. So you can move beyond this event and step into who you are meant to become. You can use this experience and help someone else.

 I was devastated I felt alone. I was under pressure from my bosses in the Army to tell them who the father of my baby was. I was under pressure to be ready to deploy to a war after my baby was born. My family was calling and telling me how stupid I was to let this happen. In the end, I decided to trust my instincts and believe that I made a good choice.

I've spent my entire adult life creating my life from that place at the beginning. Trust me, when I tell you that everything that I'm about to share with you is not something I'm just talking about, it's something that I've lived. It's something that I've experienced more than once. I am going to share with you are the tools  I continue to use today. 

I want you to know that there can be a positive outcome. You will get through this and have an amazing life. Fast forward, 30 years later, and I am still in love with this man who turned my life upside down. He is the man who I thought he was and so much more. He is the most wonderful husband and father. 

My boys are grown now. James is 30 and Stephen is 26. My older son works with me in my martial arts school, and my younger son recently graduated from NC State to be a veterinarian. They have grown into amazing men just like their father. I have two grandsons whom I get to enjoy and love. I'm a fourth degree, black belt. I have two college degrees, not just the one degree I joined the army to get, and I have been in business for myself since 2001. 

So, I share all this with you so that you understand that whatever place you are coming from when you pick up this book, that it is the perfect place for you to begin. And it doesn't matter if you were like me at 18 and your life turned completely upside down. Or if you’re struggling to figure out what to do at a crossroads and you're struggling with those feelings of fear, doubt, uncertainty, or your worth. Or if you are a professional, but maybe you're looking at doing something different and trying to find what you need to go to the next level. It doesn't matter where you're starting, we're going to help you punch failure in the face. And we're going to give you the tools and the strategies that you need to continue to grow and even thrive. And, oh my gosh, dare I say it. Enjoy it.

I want you to have fun, to love what you're doing and not be overwhelmed and stressed, angry, and tired but be invigorated, inspired and inspiring. That's what we're here to do today. So, let's get ready to make some changes and conquer our fears. Let's get ready to learn how to punch failure in the face!


Tracy Huff is a wife, mother, mimi, a Vet of the armed forces, a 4th Degree Black Belt in Tang Soo Do, an author and a business owner. She is the author of  How To Punch Failure in the Face. Her many roles in life have led her to acquire the skills and knowledge that have made her business a success. Tracy has a passion for motivating and helping others build their confidence by identifying their gifts and creating a plan on how to use them now. She is dedicated to helping as many women as she can live that life for themselves. 

After serving in the U.S. Armed Forces for four years, she finished her education in her current home of Fayetteville, NC. She is combining her life experience along with the skills and motivation she has developed as an entrepreneur and Master and sharing that with other business owners. 

She is passionate about helping professional women and entrepreneurs build their confidence and achieve their goals. She’s an in-demand speaker and an expert on developing confidence and leadership skills and is available for workshops and speaking events. 

Visit her website at or connect with her on Twitter and Facebook.

Are you struggling with your confidence? Have you ever wanted to go after something but don’t know where to begin? Do you need help believing in your ability to go after what you want? Are you afraid of taking the next step? How To Punch Failure in The Face is here to guide you and help you get crystal clear on the exact steps you should be taking right now to identify what is holding you back and the steps you will need to take to achieve your goals.

My goal is to invite you into our community to be empowered, inspired, celebrated, and supported to go after your dreams and get them. I am an expert at helping my students build their confidence and develop the leader in themselves. As a team, we create the space you need to get clarity, confidence, and balance without overwhelm or guilt.

If you are tired of being afraid, or tired of being uncertain and want to stop being so busy you don’t take the time to focus on what you want, then my 9 step process will help you. Let me help, you can do this. Take the first step today.

Book Information

Release Date: November 2021

Publisher: Independent

Soft Cover: ISBN:979-8773327189; 167 pages; $14.99; hardback $24.99; eBook $7.99; FREE on Kindle Unlimited


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