

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Dear Reader, Love Mike DiCerto


Dear Reader…

Reading a novel is more than just enjoying the obvious story on the pages. A novel is a living Rorschach test. It’s a transcription of the author’s mental workings into the people, places and things that form the tale. Welcome to A NICK OF TIME- a no holds barred imagination explosion – a wild and whimsical story with more colors than the rainbow, more adventure than a town of Hobbits and more fun that an Easter basket of rainbow monkeys.

If Nick of Time is your first Rupert Starbright adventure I want you to pay attention to some little details and themes that form the skeleton of all Rupert’s adventures. Rupert, first and foremost, loves his family and has a special bond with his Grandmother, Folka, who suffers from a chronic “coffus” – a coughing disease. The entire impetuous of his first big adventure (The Door to Far-Myst and The Secret of My-Myst) was to seek out a cure for her. His bond to his family and his home town and his deep sense of compassion, motivates all he does. For an eleven year old boy, his courage his formidable. In all of his adventures he faces the villain head on, risking his own life for a greater good. Yet, his amazing sense of compassion and empathy allows him to peer deeper in to heart, mind and soul of the baddies. Rupert always uses the incredible power of his Imaginings to transform the thinking and feelings of the bad guy. He is not one to kill or destroy the villain with potions and spells or swords. Rupert Starbright is a world changer. A heart changer and a mind changer. A powerful force our world desperately needs.

But don’t, for a moment, think the adventures of Rupert Starbright suffer from heavy handed virtue postering! Humor and fun is what grounds his tales. His imaginings are wild and creative and, especially in A NICK OF TIME, you will read in wonder has he interacts with some amazing characters and wields his potent power in very unique ways. It is my Rorschach test! My imagination splashed on the pages. I just let it flow, through my alter ego, Rupert Starbright.

What really makes A NICK OF TIME a blast is the cast of characters that inhabit the world of Annum. The Zodiac! All the characters from Aquarius to Sagittarius play key roles in helping Rupert track down the missing second that was stolen during his hometown’s New Years countdown, rendering Graysland and all its inhabitants frozen.

Oh, and did I mention this is a musical tale? Well it is. The folk of the Zodiac love to sing and each offers a song to Rupert as he travels across this wild land of time.

So read away! Soak in the crazy, colorful, funny and heart wrenching tale. 


Michael DiCerto


Since his childhood Mike Di Certo has always harvested his work from the abundant crop of his imagination. From the wild and hilarious Rock and Roll space adventure Milky Way Marmalade, to the child-like wonder of his middle grade series, The Adventures of Rupert Starbright (The Door to Far-Myst, The Secret of My-Myst and The Ghosts of Winter Joy) Michael's passions play out on the pages. His love of animals, his family, gardening, travel, movies, VR, history, Yoga, reading and music guide and influence his life and his writing.

His latest book is the middle grade fantasy novel, A Nick of Time.

Visit his website at or connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.

It’s New Year’s Eve in Graysland, but when the final second fails to come Rupert Starbright finds his entire town frozen in time. Rupert and his school crush Rainn Evertree must travel to the Land of Annum to retrieve the stolen second from the nasty and evil Epoch. They will explore a wild, imaginative, and musical world where all the characters of the Zodiac join Rainn in helping Rupert in his most colorful and challenging adventure yet!

A Nick of Time is thoroughly entertaining and a fun read, this should be made into a Pixar animation!” - Amazon

“All kids should be encouraged to read this unique series and use their imaginings as well! It's the power of positive thinking for the young adult set. Highly recommend!” - Amazon

Book Information

Release Date: August 16, 2021

Publisher:  Zumaya Publications

Soft Cover: ISBN: 978-1612710990; 295 pages; $11.70; eBook $4.99 


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