

Dear Reader, Love Neil Patterson

Dear Reader…

My primary goal in writing Becoming Alfie was to entertain whoever picked up a copy to read it. It was written in a conversational style mainly in the first person, that being of the main character, a cheeky but resolute human named Alfie Norrington. The book follows the initial 18 years of his life from 1900 to 1918.

Alfie was born into poverty at the start of the twentieth century in the impoverished East End of London. It was a time of obscene wealth for some as the British Empire stretched across the globe, the old adage that the sun never sets on the Empire was true. Whilst the rich became richer, the poor suffered horrendously and I attempted to demonstrate this juxtaposition in the book.

Alfie was blessed with loving brothers and sisters, being the youngest he was able to get away with things that his siblings were chastised for. His father, a drunk and violent alcoholic, caused Alfie great anxiety as a very young boy and he carried this anxiety with him, but hid it well from others as he considered it was a sign of weakness.

With this strong platform from which to grow, Alfie began to roughly identify with the values in life that he respected. His eldest brother Jack mentored Alfie away from the pick-pocketing and stealing he was being accomplished at, towards pursuits that would occupy and grow his developing intellect. Alfie was beginning to find his moral compass.

I have a definitive process when writing for you that I wish to share. I awake at 6.30 am, make a cup of tea then review and edit the work that I produced on the previous day. I then walk along the beaches or beside the Lake where I live considering the next chapter, the next aspects of the story. The scenery is breathtaking and inspirational. I take my iPhone and make verbal notes as to my musings, sometimes ringing my answering machine at home to leave lengthier messages. Throughout this 2 hour walk my constant companion is my beautiful Border Collie dog called Harry H. He is very appreciate of good prose and wags his tail at those that he likes, a good sign.

Upon arriving home I collect my notes from various sources and re-write them to ensure I have captured them for you as I found that inspirational and creative thoughts are only good if they are remembered. At this point I close the office door, not to return until early evening. This method, I have found, works well, allowing me to produce the most readable story that I can create. I begin working in the early evening, as I said, and continue until quite late. Sometimes I can be writing at 2.00am, but that is rare. Throughout the process Harry H is laying either under the desk or at my side and he rarely comments. Then it is off to bed for the process to begin all over again the next morning.

Let me go back to the start of these ramblings. I write only to entertain you, my reader. I don’t write to try to impress the snobbish literary establishment. I don’t write to make a million dollars via clever algorithms on Amazon or to create a series of “How to be a successful author webinars.” I write for you and others like you, and me,  people that want to be entertained, not overwhelmed. I delve into recent history and pluck characters that leave you feeling elated, if not inspired. If you do or don’t enjoy my books, the first being Becoming Alfie, please write to me via my website and I promise I will reply. As an aside there are 4 books in the series, the second to be published and launched in April 2021. Thank you for reading. Neil Patterson

Sad note. After I had written this Harry H passed away, just 9 days ago. He led a wonderful life and lived well into his thirteenth year. Walking in the morning is quite sad just now, as I seem him everywhere. I miss my little mate but I reckon he will be appearing in a chapter or two of my current work.

About the Author

Neil Patterson was born 15 miles East of London near the River Thames. As a child he played on the tidal mudflats which, since Roman Times, had been a depository for man’s detritus . Neil was fascinated by the many items that he found whilst mudlarking, old coins, bottles and buttons. He found pieces of clay pipes that Londoners used to smoke Tobacco, which was introduced to Britain in the 16 century. The fragments of clay pipes fired Neil’s enthusiasm for History.

Late into his teens Neil began to keep a diary and has carried this practice throughout his adult life. He has also written many short stories and poetry but not until he stopped working, in his late fifties, has Neil found time to dedicate to his writing.

Neil ‘s Uncle lived in Australia and from early childhood he dreamt of living down under, he says he was born in England with an Australian heart. He followed his heart migrating to Australia 40 years ago. Neil now works full time as a writer and lives in Murrays Beach with his wife Jann and their border Collie, Harry the dog.





About the Book

Alfie Norrington was born into poverty in London’s East End in the first minute of the twentieth century. His life was a battle. From the Brick Lane markets where young Alfie pilfered and pickpocketed, to the trenches of Flanders, Alfie fought every step of the way.

Almost killed by a trench bomb he battled to recover and while in a military hospital Alfie made a promise that dramatically change’s his life. A true East End hero, Alfie begins his journey away from poverty armed with a robust moral compass and an open heart.

Becoming Alfie is the first in the Alfie Norrington series. It follows the life of a man who positively influenced thousands of people. The world needs more individuals like Alfie Norrington, that give much more than they take.


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Dear Reader, Love Milton Brasher-Cunningham

Dear Reader…

I don’t know you, but I know you are acquainted with grief.

Life is a litany of losses, a string of sorrows, even as it is bursting with beauty and a journey of joy. My book, The Color of Together: Mixed Metaphors of Connectedness, looks at how all of those things tie us to one another.

I learned from author John Berger that the Greek root of the word metaphor means porter, like the person on the train who helps carry your bags so you can get from place to place. When my father died, my grief brought my life to a screeching halt. I didn’t feel like I was going anywhere. I felt lost. I struggled to find words to talk about what was happening to me. Without any meaningful metaphors I couldn’t get moving. At the same time, the new sense of sight my grief had given me—the ability to recognize grief in others—helped me not feel so alone because grief seemed to be everywhere.

I told a friend I had learned that grief was a primary color of life.

Those words were the porters that got me on the train to writing my book. I read about color, learned about the history of pigments and the philosophy of color, trying to expand the metaphor. And I learned that, though it was a good metaphor, I didn’t have enough to write a whole book. So I started looking for other porters, other metaphors.

My varied employment history, as well as my interests, gave me some raw material. I have worked as a minister, a youth pastor, a song writer, a high school English teacher, a chef, a trainer for Apple, and an editor. I love to sing and cook and write. As I began to look for other metaphors of both sorrow and solidarity, my own life began to speak to me. My love for harmonies and my hearing loss put me on a train to learning about improvisational jazz as metaphor. My love for writing and my depression sent me on a journey of punctuation. My love of food and cooking set me thinking about the table as a metaphor of building community. The things that mattered most to me offered new journeys, new understandings, and a chance to connect with others by writing about it.

All of that is to say, I hope it spurs you into naming the metaphors that help you make the journey and remind you of your most essential traveling companions.



About the Author

Milton Brasher-Cunningham was born in Texas, grew up in Africa, and has spent the last thirty years in New England and North Carolina. He is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ, and has worked as a high school English teacher, a professional chef, a trainer for Apple, and is now an editor. He is the author of three books, Keeping the Feast: Metaphors for the MealThis Must Be the Place: Reflections on Home, and his latest, The Color of Together.

He loves the Boston Red Sox, his mini schnauzers, handmade music, and feeding people. He lives in Guilford, Connecticut, with Ginger, his wife, and their three Schnauzers. He writes regularly at







About the Book

The Color of Together
 begins with the primary colors of life–grief, grace, and gratitude–and enlarges the palette to talk about the work of art that is our life together in these days. The idea for the book began with understanding that grief is not something we get over or work through, but something we learn to move around in–something that colors our lives. Grace is the other given. Gratitude is the response to both that offers the possibility of both healing and hope.


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Dear Reader, Love JC Miller

Dear Reader…

Have you ever had a friend in need? My new release, They Call Me Gomer... is near and dear to my heart because of how close I feel toward the main character. During my biblical study and character development of Gomer, I quickly tuned in on the essence of her being and identified her as a portrait of humankind. She could have been anyone's sister, mother, or friend lost in spirit, divided by love and conflicted within oneself. Gomer battled her demons in search of love.

"I'll run after my lovers. Everything comes from them--my food and drink, my linen and wool, my garments, and my linen clothes..."

In an era where marriage and family were regarded as among the highest values in the culture; Gomer, lusting after worldly desires, strayed from her husband, Hosea, and had children outside of marriage. I love this story because it's not only about betrayal but ransom and renewal. Gomer and Hosea's lives are a love story, but not the fairytale kind--and I get that.

Raised in the Bronx, New York, during the 70s through the 90s, I guess I can say my life was no fairytale. Maybe, Gomer was me. I wanted to retell her story in a way that registers with my generation, my culture, and people that look like me. Gomer was a promiscuous woman in search of fun, fortune, and fame. Possibly a troubled youth seeking to restore her past but destroying her future instead.

But it doesn't matter where you come's where you're at.

In the book of Hosea, the prophet paints a beautiful caricature of humankind seeking after everything else but God. And an even more beautiful description of how God loves them through it all. Who wouldn't love a story like this one? A solid and faithful husband stands by his wavering wife despite her many downfalls. How Hosea treats his wayward wife is how God treats us.

I can't wait for you all to read how I took on this timeless tale and modernized it with nostalgia, an entanglement, and a redemption plan. They Call Me Gomer… is for everyone.

About the Author

 JC Miller lives in the scenic Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania with her husband, children, and floppy-eared Bassador pup.

Raised by a single-mother in the Bronx, JC pulls from early experiences to showcase the soul of the ghetto through faith-based novels. She also dedicates much of her time uplifting women via her blog and creating content with partner MR Spain, through their publishing company, Jess, Mo’ Books LLC.

On her days off, you can find JC whipping up her famous Red Velvet Cake and listening to songs from her impressive vinyl record collection.

About the Book

 “Dear Diary, On September 3, 1982, two things happened that I’ll never forget: I acquired an older sister, and I fell in real love. But tell me, what does an eight-year-old know about love?”

For nearly a decade, Hosea Felix and Gomer Williams were inseparable. She loved him from the moment she laid eyes on him. Their friendship was iron-clad until temptation rocked Gomer to her core. Somewhere along the way, she fell for another guy and traded young love for instant pleasure. Not only is Jeri Cole fine—he is a bonafide gangsta, unattainable, and off-limits. Jeri was all Gomer could think about, and the only thing she thought she wanted. Despite her big sister already laying claim to him, not much could stop Gomer from clawing at the possibility of love and diva status. Getting with Jeri felt right…but at what cost?

Gomer never backed down. She is the original bad girl—ratchet, bougie, and insatiable. Feel like you wanna dislike her? Well, get in line.

They Call me Gomer… JC Miller’s sophomore spin-off novel enthralls readers with a deeply woven, emotionally heart-tugging take on the Book of Hosea. By examining rape culture, drug addiction, family secrets, and the vulnerabilities of young Black girls in pursuit of fortune and fame, this contemporary tale gives those in search of a good dra-mance all the feelings!


Dear Reader, Love Lance Charnes


Dear Reader…

Well, here you are with your mouse pointer hovering over “add to cart.” Is Zrada the one? What’s with the funny title, anyway?

It’s hard for me to know what to tell you because I don’t know how you got here.

Are you a fan of my DeWitt Agency Files series? If so, you’ve already met Carson, so you know what you’re in for. On the other hand, you should know that with Carson as the star, this is going to be a different kind of story than the ones Matt Friedrich helms. Matt thinks and talks his way out of trouble; Carson’s much more…direct. Kinetic, even. Zrada is more 24 than White Collar.

Maybe you read my standalone thrillers Doha 12 or South. Zrada’s the same idea: multiple viewpoints, antagonists who have good reasons for what they do, and short and sharp bursts of cinematic violence that have consequences. Above all, like those earlier novels, Zrada features a strong, capable woman who prefers to rescue herself when she can. In this case, two of them – Carson hires Galina, a native of Ukraine’s war-torn Donbass region, as a guide to help her get out when a betrayal (zrada, in Ukrainian) leaves Carson stuck in the war zone. They make quite a pair.

Or maybe you’re coming to this cold. You just got done with, say, Zoe Sharp’s latest Charlie Fox tale or one of Lee Goldberg’s Eve Ronin books and want something new, but in the same genre. Our Heroine Carson is a disgraced Toronto cop with a tough background, a hard nose, and a set of skills she’s picked up along the way that make her well-qualified to fight through hostile territory to finish a job and fulfill a promise. She’s got some sharp edges, but once you get to know her, you’ll know why you’d want her on your wing if you ever need help.

However it happened, I’m glad you’re here. Click the button. You’ll have a good time, and just maybe you’ll discover a new favorite character.

About the Author

Lance Charnes has been an Air Force intelligence officer, information technology manager, computer-game artist, set designer, and Jeopardy! contestant, and is now an emergency management specialist. He’s had training in architectural rendering, terrorist incident response, and maritime archaeology, though not all at the same time. His Facebook author page features spies, archaeology, and art crime.

Lance is the author of the DeWitt Agency Files series of international art-crime novels (The CollectionStealing Ghosts, and Chasing Clay), the international thriller Doha 12, and the near-future thriller South. All are available in trade paperback and digital editions.



About the Book

Two priceless paintings. Two million euros. A civil war. What could go wrong?

The DeWitt Agency assigned disgraced ex-cop Carson a simple job: carry two briefcases of cash to swap for two artworks stolen from a German museum. Except nothing’s simple in the Donbass, the breakaway Ukrainian region overrun by militias, warlords, and bandits.

After a brutal zrada – betrayal – Carson finds herself alone and hunted forty miles behind the front lines with half the money, one of the paintings, and a huge target hung on her back. The militia behind the exchange thinks she blew up their deal and wants the money and her hide. Her co-workers were in on the double-cross. And the Agency can’t send help into the hottest war in Europe.

Carson’s never been one to wait to be rescued. She hires Galina – a tough local with a harrowing past and a taste for revenge – to help her cut through every checkpoint, freelance army, crooked cop, and firefight between her and the West. But the road to safety is long and poorly paved. A vengeful militia commander, a Russian special-forces operator with an agenda, and her own ex-colleagues have Carson in their crosshairs.

Carson’s life is now worth less than a suitcase of money or paint on a plank…but if they want to take it from her, she’s going to make them pay.


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Dear Reader, Love Evy Journey


Dear Reader…

Luna decides to write about her terrible experience in a foreign country with an ancient culture and a deadly history. Not only to tell the world about it, but also to help herself heal. Can writing help you heal?

Yes, it can. And if you want to know more about it, give this post a try: Write To Save Your Life (or, at least, your psyche). It’s one of my inspirations in writing the book.

Like Luna, I had brothers who couldn’t be bothered with a sister. So, I read and drew; then, I wrote to let out steam. I wrote on available pieces of  loose paper that sometimes had already been used, like computer print paper with holey edges that came out of those old mainframes. I never kept a journal like Luna does. Nor even an ejournal like that of Lucien’s.

Anyway, these days, I write stories instead, my characters assuming my thoughts, frustrations, and joy. Yes, there’s a part in all my characters that reflect a little part of me. I think it’s inevitable even when you write fantasy or sci fi.

In The Shade Under the Mango Tree, I pay homage to grandparents. In these times when both parents often work, it’s not unusual to turn to them for help in looking after children. My own grandmother figured significantly in my growing-up years. And, of course, her influence has endured.

Love is at the core of all my stories. Aren’t they in everyone’s life if you allow yourself to be vulnerable enough to another? Because love strips you bare to both hurt and happiness. Love demands surrendering your control. Still, my novels won’t fit neatly into the romance genre. Because, ultimately, they’re about life, about our messy, complicated, wonderful lives.

I write about characters  who’re multicultural or who embrace that idea. This time, I wanted to take the heroine to a world much older than that of the US and, yet, it might at best be considered developing. This is reality. And it’s heartbreaking. But also hopeful and forward-looking, like Mae and Jorani.

I hope the book speaks to you in some way.

All the best,
Evy Journey

About the Author

 Evy Journey, SPR (Self Publishing Review) Independent Woman Author awardee, is a writer, a wannabe artist, and a flâneuse who, wishes she lives in Paris where people have perfected the art of aimless roaming. Armed with a Ph.D., she used to research and help develop mental health programs.

She’s a writer because beautiful prose seduces her and existential angst continues to plague her despite such preoccupations having gone out of fashion. She takes occasional refuge by invoking the spirit of Jane Austen to spin tales of love, loss, and finding one’s way—stories into which she weaves mystery or intrigue.



About the Book

After two heartbreaking losses, Luna wants adventure. Something and somewhere very different from the affluent, sheltered home in California and Hawaii where she grew up. An adventure in which she can also make some difference. She ends up in place where she gets more than she bargained for.

Lucien, a worldly, well-traveled young architect, finds a stranger’s journal at a café. He has qualms and pangs of guilt about reading it. But they don’t stop him. His decision to go on reading changes his life.

Months later, they meet at a bookstore where Luna works and which Lucien frequents. Fascinated by his stories and his adventurous spirit, Luna volunteers for the Peace Corps. Assigned to Cambodia, she lives with a family whose parents are survivors of the Khmer Rouge genocide forty years earlier. What she goes through in a rural rice-growing village defies anything she could have imagined. Will she leave this world unscathed?


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Dear Reader, Love Linda Karimo

Dear Reader…

Are you a parent, grandparent, or another child caregiver?


You may have come to this blog to find some reading materials to share with your children. It should not be very violent because the kids are playing enough games that go down that road.


I've published the first book, Baby Bear's Spaghetti Misadventure, in the series, Very Short Misadventure Stories for Kids and Bears, K-1. You and your child will be transported into a world of bears, generally lovely bears that mimic your life here on human earth. Of course, there is no Pandemic.


Let me explain further. Mama Bear and Baby Bear live in a modest cave with a kitchen window and a cave door just like those that you are familiar with. The family lives in Bear Town, in Bear USA, on Bear Earth. Next year Baby Bear will be going to Big Boy School named Bear Elementary School.


Baby Bear is a preschooler in this first book. He is cute and cuddly. My illustrator really shows the child's emotions very well. Baby Bear doesn't always listen to Mama Bear, and this is the theme of this book. I am hopeful that his non-threatening presence will capture the hearts of your kids. In this instance, you might say to your child, "See what happened when Baby Bear didn't listen to Mama Bear."


This first book in the series will be followed closely by Baby Bear's Big Boy School Misadventure: The Unnerving First Day. In early 2021 the third and fourth books, Baby Bear Doesn't Share, and Baby Bear Learns to Share, will be published on Amazon.


My Mama Bear character is stern when she needs to be, but very loving and considerate of her Baby Bear son. She loves to cook, and Baby Bear loves to eat. Mama Bear wears an apron with the words, "Cooking with Mama Bear."

Do you think that she might be writing a cookbook?


If you find that this book appeals to you, I am considering creating an email club for young children's parents/guardians. There will be contests and lots of fun stuff in store for members.


Stay safe and be well.

See you inside the Baby Bear books.


Children's Book Author and Vision Educator

Linda Karimo

Reach out to me:

About the Author

Back in the Stone Age, well maybe not that far back…

When Linda Karimo was very young, she learned to read at the knee of her Irish immigrant grandmother. Nannie, as she was known to the family, was just learning English herself.

They read all the classic children’s stories together. There was one in particular that became the inspiration for Linda’s current series of children’s books.

Moving forward, Linda was always a ravenous reader. She would often read all the books by a given author and then go onto yet another great fiction author. Espionage, legal, medical, suspense, and some “who done it” were her game.

Her day job as a Copywriter paid the bills while she dreamed of writing an extraordinary series of children’s books.

So, what childhood story prompted Linda to write a series about those characters?

It was Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Linda’s nickname was always Goldilocks.

She transports her readers into the world of bears whose lives are not much different than humans, just bear style.

She has a conversational style of writing and wants her readers to feel a part of the action taking place, not just looking through the window watching it all going by.

A Lifetime full of love and compassion!









About the Book

Meet Mama Bear and her sweet little bear child, Baby Bear.

Sometimes he doesn’t do what Mama Bear says, sound familiar?

This one particular day when Mama Bear was cooking spaghetti and meatballs, Baby

Bear bounced his ball against the cave wall.

Baby Bear knew it was on the forbidden list.

He did it anyway.

Mama Bear gave him the look.

He did it again.

Find out what happened to Mama Bear’s spaghetti dinner and naughty Baby Bear.


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