

Dear Reader, Love Ethan Proud

Dear Reader…

Welcome to the small mountain town of Northgate and the setting of my latest novel, Witchwood. Having grown up in a small town, attended college in a small town, and started a career in a small town, I have found that I enjoy being isolated from traffic jams, public transit, and shopping centers that take up more than a single block. Northgate embodied the ideals of my childhood, where neighbors and locals are friendly and go back for generations, but larger businesses and corporations threaten to overtake the qualities of small town life and turn them upside down.
Northgate is ran by a handful of elected officials, and one of the protagonists is Sheriff Ruckstead who can’t see beyond the letter of the law. Naturally he clashes with the woodswitch Artemisia Corax, and has arrested her on several occasions. Yet when a herd of cattle and an entire family are slaughtered at opposite ends of the town in a single night, he knows he isn’t dealing with a run-of-the-mill criminal. He enlists to aid of the witch and finds himself enthralled in a journey that crosses planes, demons, and goddesses. As to not give away too much of the plot, we’ll leave it at that.
Many of the details of this book are drawn from nature and given a magic twist. One of my least favorite weeds in my day job as an invasive plant manager in Colorado is black henbane. It is a highly toxic plant which is capable of killing livestock and produces a million seeds and degrades our native ecosystems. In Europe where it is native, black henbane was used in pagan rituals and is responsible for the popular image of a witch riding a broom. I took the plants medicinal/magical qualities and did a little research to see what witches would have used it for and tied that together in Witchwood. I must add though, there is a fine line between medicinal and lethal and many of the herbs used by Artemisia Corax will kill you-so do not practice herbalism at home!

With that in mind, I hope you enjoy reading Witchwood,

Ethan Proud

About the Author

Ethan Proud was raised in Pinedale, Wyoming and that is where he fell in love with reading, writing, and the outdoors. He published his first series the Rebellion Trilogy with his older brother, Lincoln. Ethan is an avid adventurer, whether it is on the page or in nature and when he is not writing or reading he can be found backpacking, rock climbing, or snowboarding.

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About the Book

Gripping and tense, Witchwood tells the tale of a witch and sheriff turned unlikely allies to stop the
town of Northgate from being destroyed by dark forces.

Sheriff Ruckstead reluctantly asks his nemesis Artemisia Corax, the woodwitch, for help when a string of murders unsolvable by mundane means occurs in one night.  As he cooperates with the witch, his reputation is called into question and he faces conflict with one of the wealthier business families of Northgate.

While Sheriff Ruckstead faces his own challenges, Artemisia discovers that she will need aid in bringing the murderers to justice and enlists the support of a demon. When the interplanal denizen escapes her control, she finds that she and Ruckstead have more on their plates than they bargained for. Including the wrath of a goddess.

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