

Monday, June 15, 2020

Dear Reader, Love David Armstrong

Dear Reader…


First of all, thank you for deciding to read my debut novel, The Rising Place. I sincerely hope you enjoy it and that it touches your heart. This was my real intent in writing this book—to positively affect other people’s lives for good. Yes, I’m a dreamer, but aren’t we all, at least to some degree?

Though The Rising Place is my debut novel, it actually is my second novel. I never found a publisher for my first novel, but I kept on writing, always believing that I would eventually be a published author. It was, and still is, a totally absorbing quest for me. And I’m pleased to report that I’ve also written a third novel, The Third Gift, which will be released later this summer.

The Rising Place is based on an intriguing premise: What if you found a hidden box of letters that were written by a reclusive, old maid during World War II—would you read them? And what if you did and discovered an amazing story about unrequited love, betrayal, and murder that happened over seventy years ago in a small, southern town?

When a young attorney moves down south to Hamilton, Mississippi to practice law, one of his first assignments is to draft a will for Emily Hodge, a seventy-five-year- old spinster who has been shunned by Hamilton society. Her lawyer is fascinated with “Miss Emily,” though, and he can’t comprehend how or why this lovely lady seems to have lived such a solitary and seemingly forgotten life. After Emily dies, the lawyer goes to her hospital room to retrieve her few few possessions and bequeath them as she directed, and he finds an old sewing box full of letters in the back of of one of her nightstand drawers. He takes the box of letters back to his law office and starts reading them, and he soon learns why Emily Hodge died alone, though definitely not forgotten.

At first glance, The Rising Place is a romance story about the pain of unrequited love, but it’s much more than that. The Rising Place is also a story about grief and grace, faith and forgiveness, hope and healing, resilience and redemption, and the indefatigable human spirit. I believe it will take you back to an age of innocence—a time in history, prior to, during, and after the Second World War, when life moved more slowly, and more emphasis was put on values such as true friendship and love.

There’s one more thing I’d like to tell you, dear readers, about The Rising Place. It has already been made into a film and is available on DVD. I sold the film rights to the story before I was able to sell the rights to the book, and that’s a story, in and of itself.

Thanks so much for wanting to read The Rising Place!

About the Author:

David Armstrong was born and raised in Natchez, Mississippi. He is an attorney, former mayor, and former candidate for the U.S. Congress. Currently, he serves as the Chief Operating Officer for the city of Columbus, Mississippi. David received both an undergraduate and a master’s degree in political science from Mississippi State University, before going on to receive a law degree from the University of Mississippi. 

The Rising Place Place, David’s second novel, was made into a feature film by Flatland Pictures before it was published by The Wild Rose Press. His third novel, The Third Gift, will be released by The Wild Rose Press this summer. He has also written four screenplays.

David is the father of two grown sons, William and Canon, and lives in one of the oldest and most haunted antebellum homes in Columbus with a snarky old cat named Butch.


Link to book: The Rising Place by David Armstrong



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