

Friday, September 8, 2023

Dear Reader, Love Negrita Smart


Dear Reader,

I am so glad you picked this book up and held it in your little hands. Not only am I glad that you are holding this book at this very moment, but I am thankful that you are reading this book. This book was written because I thought about you. My first thought was that you are growing up in a world today that is different from the world I grew up in when I was your age. Let me tell you how my childhood was different. I grew up in a small town. I knew everyone in my neighborhood and there were many children in my neighborhood. I remember days of playing a game of freeze tag outside with my friends, eating plums from plum trees, and catching lightning bugs. Can you believe that? A bug that shines in the dark. I actually put the lightning bugs in mason jars hoping they would live forever. I grew up in a time when Summer breaks from school were very long breaks from school. Summer breaks lasted four months. That’s right. Four months. During those months, I also went to vacation bible school to learn about Noah and the Ark, Moses and the burning bush, and the great fish that swallowed Jonah. By the time Summer break was officially over I was taller and ready to go back to school and ride the yellow bus and meet my teachers for the school year. These were fun times for me and I have a lot of good memories growing up in a small town. 

While reading this letter, I am sure you have probably asked your parents or guardian, what is freeze tag? You probably buy plums from the grocery store and will never pick them from a tree. Hopefully, you will try to catch a lightning bug if you ever have the opportunity. Yes, things have changed for you and are different from when I grew up but there are a few things that should never change. The first is kindness. Always be kind to others. The second thing that should never change is thinking of others. Always ask yourself how you would want to be treated. This will help you know how to treat other people. The last thing that should never change is being willing

to help others. It’s okay to help people when they need your help. There is one more thing I want to tell you. I thought about this too when I wrote this book for you. Believe in yourself. I want you to know that although you are a young person, you can make a big difference in your neighborhood, in your school, and in the world. You are the present and the future generation. All things are possible when you believe. So, believe in yourself and I believe in you too. 

Love Always, 


Negrita Smart is a small-town girl from Dadeville, Alabama. She is a wife, sister, believer, and teacher at heart.

The first of her family to graduate from college, Negrita holds a Masters in Business Administration and the insurance designation of Chartered Property & Casualty Underwriters and holds insurance licenses in Property and Casualty and Life and Health. She credits and shares her accomplishments with her supportive family.     

Negrita loves spending time with her family and has happily taken on the official role of Event Planner bringing family members together through fun and love. 

In her professional life, Negrita utilizes her talent for sharing knowledge and information as a new-hire trainer creating user-friendly webinars, courses, tests, and gauge learning within business areas such as auto, property, and agriculture.    

As an author, Negrita is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators always looking to connect, share and grow with fellow writers.    

An active supporter of her local church ministry, Negrita is driven to share life lessons with children through story-telling and relatable characters.  

Follow her on Instagram at



Grace loves the Winter season. It is her favorite of all seasons because she loves to play in the snow with her friends. Winter is also Grace’s favorite season because she can wear her favorite purple scarf. Grace wears it every day until she meets Ruth. After meeting Ruth as school, Grace feels differently about playing in the snow and wearing her favorite purple scarf. This is because Grace learns a valuable lesson about how to treat other people.

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