

Monday, July 10, 2023

Dear Reader, Love Linda Armstrong-Miller


Dear Reader…

I see you standing there contemplating buying my book Blood and Water. I think it would be a good choice and not because I am the author. It would be a good choice for anyone who has a family, because Blood and Water deals with family conflict, among other issues. To the degree this family has problems will not be the same degree you will find your problems. However, how they are dealt with and what happens when communication breaks down can remain the same.

There are a lot of things going on in the world and careers and school and peer pressure even sports have a tendency to pull our children and even our parents in directions they never thought they would go. How do you handle teenage pregnancy? How do you handle an untimely death? What happens when you run instead of staying and dealing? It doesn’t seem like one book could deal with all of these issues but it’s a slippery slope once you refuse to acknowledge your world is falling apart and the only way to put it back together is to stop pushing people away, sit down and find out where you can make a change so that you family can come together under on roof. The lies have to stop and the truth has to be told. Real communication has to happen. Then love may follow.

Linda Armstrong-Miller


Linda Armstrong-Miller has worked in the medical field for over twenty years. In that time she has worked as a counselor, registered nurse in the emergency room, ICU, Recovery Room, and she has worked with children placed in psychiatric hospitals. She understands when a family is in crisis and she has been with them during their time of distress, depression, anxiety and difficulty. She believes in God and uses her belief as well as her experience when writing. Blood and Water is her second book published. Touched is her first book. Currently she is working on a young adult trilogy.




Lisa Rivers is a genius with a photographic memory. She is the youngest, highest paid computer designer for the Department of Defense. Her program promises no more POWs and can be used domestically. No more missing children. So, how is it that Lisa is kidnapped? How was her identity discovered? Is she still alive and if so, can she be found before it is too late?


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